Clinique Arago


Pain management is a key issue at the Clinique Arago. For the most sensitive operations, anaesthetists use the most effective techniques to limit pain using morphine pumps, NAROPEINE catheters and peripheral blocks.


The rapid recovery protocol is a comprehensive patient management protocol designed to return the patient as quickly as possible to a situation of autonomy close to his or her normal life.

The effectiveness of this approach is such that it reduces the length of stay following a total hip or knee replacement in safety and comfort.

This protocol involves specific care at each stage of the patient's stay.

1- Information

Preoperative information is both more comprehensive and more accessible to patients.

2- Anaesthetic management

The aim is to relieve the patient as much as possible by using as little morphine as possible.

3- Surgical management

The surgeon infiltrates the tissues operated on with a local anaesthetic and minimises the need for invasive medical devices.

4- Immediate resumption of eating after the operation

5- Physiotherapy

The patient gets up for the first time on Day 0. From D1 onwards, two physiotherapy sessions are scheduled each day, in comfort and safety, while adapting to each patient's rhythm.

6- Nursing care

Careful monitoring is carried out to ensure that patients remain as independent as possible.

7- Discharge

Patients are encouraged to return home. If rehabilitation is not possible, Hospitalisation A Domicile may be envisaged with Santé Service, our partner for several years.

8- Mode of transport

Patients are usually transported home in their own vehicle.

9- Follow-up after discharge

Patient follow-up after discharge involves the establishment's quality department, the care manager and the doctors, working closely with your regular doctor.


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Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.