Clinique Arago

The general principles of the Hospitalised Patients' Charter

All patients are free to choose the healthcare establishment that will care for them, within the limits of each establishment's possibilities. The public hospital service is accessible to all, especially the poor and, in emergencies, people with no social security cover. It is adapted for people with disabilities.

Health establishments guarantee the quality of reception, treatment and care. They are attentive to pain relief and do everything possible to ensure that everyone lives in dignity, with particular attention to the end of life.

Information given to patients must be accessible and fair. Hospitalised patients participate in the therapeutic choices that concern them. They may be assisted by a support person of their choice.

Medical procedures may only be carried out with the free and informed consent of the patient . The patient has the right to refuse any treatment. Any adult may express his or her wishes regarding the end of his or her life in advance directives.

Specific consent is required, in particular, for people taking part in biomedical research, for the donation and use of elements and products of the human body and for screening procedures.

A person who is offered the opportunity to participate in biomedical research is informed, in particular, of the expected benefits and foreseeable risks. Their agreement is given in writing. Refusal will not affect the quality of care received.

The hospitalised patient may, with the exceptions provided for by law, leave the establishment at any time after having been informed of the possible risks to which he/she is exposed.

Hospitalised patients are treated with respect. Their beliefs are respected. Their privacy and tranquillity are protected.

All patients are guaranteed respect for their privacy and the confidentiality of personal, administrative, medical and social information concerning them.

Hospitalised patients (or their legal representatives) have direct access to health information concerning them. Under certain conditions, their heirs in the event of their death have the same right.

Hospitalised patients may comment on the care and reception they have received. In each hospital, a user relations and quality of care committee ensures that users' rights are respected. Any person has the right to be heard by a manager of the establishment to express their grievances and to seek compensation for any harm they feel they have suffered, as part of an out-of-court dispute settlement procedure and/or before the courts.

Circular no. DHOS/E1/DGS/SD1B/SD1C/SD4A/2006/90 of 2 March 2006 relating to the rights of hospitalised patients and including a charter for hospitalised patients.


You have the right to access all information concerning your health. This information is that which has contributed to the development and monitoring of your diagnosis, treatment or preventive action.

You have the choice of accessing this information about your health directly or through a doctor that you designate for this purpose. This communication will take place at the latest within eight days of the date of receipt of your request and at the earliest after a legal period of forty-eight hours has elapsed. If the information to which you wish to have access is more than 5 years old, a period of 2 months will be necessary for it to be communicated. You may refuse the presence of a third party recommended (for reasons relating to the risks that unaccompanied access would entail for you) by the doctor who has drawn up or is the custodian of this information. On-site consultation of this data is free of charge. However, if you wish to obtain a photocopy, whatever the medium, you will be responsible for the cost of reproduction and, where applicable, postage (postal charges).

For more information, please consult the Ministry's information leaflet .


Medical records are kept in the establishment or in an approved archiving company.

In all cases, the institution's management ensures that measures are taken to ensure the safekeeping and confidentiality of health information stored in the institution.

Medical records are kept for a period of twenty years. If the retention period for a record ends before a patient's twenty-eighth birthday, the retention period is extended until that date.

In the event of the patient's death, the record is kept for a period of ten years from the date of death.

These time limits are suspended by the lodging of any informal or contentious appeal against the medical liability of the health care institution or of health care professionals in connection with their work in the institution.


You may request that your presence in the establishment not be disclosed to outside third parties by indicating this when you are admitted.


In application of the law of 4 March 2002 on patients' rights and the quality of the healthcare system, when you are admitted to hospital, the establishment will suggest that you appoint a trusted support person.

This person will be consulted in the event that you are unable to express your wishes and receive the necessary information. This appointment must be made in writing by filling in the form(s) provided by the establishment. This appointment may be revoked at any time.

If you so wish, the trusted support person may accompany you in any steps you take and attend medical appointments to help you make decisions.

The provisions relating to the appointment of a trusted support person do not apply when guardianship is ordered.

However, in this case, the guardianship judge may either confirm the mission of the previously appointed trusted support person or revoke it.

For more information, please consult the Ministry's information leaflet.

Advance directives

Any adult may, if they so wish, make a written statement, known as "advance directives", setting out their wishes regarding the end of their life, in the event that they are unable to express their wishes at that time.

For more information, you can download the Ministry's information leaflet


Information concerning the health of minors and adults under guardianship, and the care they should receive, is given to their legal representatives (respectively the holder of parental authority or the guardian). However, the healthcare professional must inform the persons concerned in a manner appropriate to their maturity or discernment, and must involve them to the same extent in decision-making concerning them.

For patients who are minors, the law of 4 March 2002 stipulates that the doctor may dispense with obtaining the consent of the holders of parental authority if the minor expressly objects to being consulted.

However, the doctor must first endeavour to obtain the minor's consent to the consultation. If the minor maintains his or her opposition, he or she must nevertheless be accompanied by an adult, so that the doctor can carry out the treatment or procedure. The doctor may disregard the recommendations of the parental authority or guardian if there is a risk of serious consequences for the health of the protected person.


No medical procedure or treatment may be carried out without your free and informed consent, which may be withdrawn at any time. On the other hand, if your decisions endanger your life, it is the doctor's duty to do everything in his power to persuade you to accept the treatment that is required.


Your privacy is always respected, particularly during all the procedures carried out during your stay (care, washing, consultations, etc.).

Person of trust

During your stay, you may designate, in writing, a trusted member of your family to accompany you throughout your care and the decisions to be taken.

This person, whom the establishment will consider to be your trusted support person, will be consulted if you are unable to express your wishes or receive the necessary information to do so. If you so wish, this person will also be able to attend medical interviews so that he or she can take part in decisions concerning you. Please note that you can cancel your designation or change its terms at any time.

If you would like to find out more about the trusted support person, an information sheet is available in the departments and at the Admissions Office.

Please note: the TRUSTED PERSON may be different from the PERSON TO BE NOTIFIED.

Consumer complaints and mediation

All complaints must be sent in writing to the establishment's quality department by e-mail: or by post: Clinique Arago - 187 Rue Raymond Losserand - 75014 Paris. If the request for a complaint to the quality department fails within one month, the patient may submit the dispute with the establishment to the mediator, free of charge, within a maximum period of one year from the date of the written complaint. The mediator will attempt, independently and impartially, to bring the parties together with a view to finding an amicable solution.

The mediator's contact details are as follows

  • ANM Consommation, an association under the law of 1901
  • Online:
  • E-mail:
  • By post: Médiation de la Consommation ANM Consommation 02 rue de Colmar à Vincennes 94300.

The mediator may be contacted by e-mail, online or by post. In addition to their full contact details (surname, first name, contacts) and the written complaint that they must first have sent to the establishment's quality department to try to resolve their dispute directly, patients are encouraged to provide the following information to the mediator:

  • The nature of the request
  • A description of the dispute
  • All documents and factual evidence useful to the mediator's understanding and analysis of the case.


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