Since 1995, the Clinique Arago has been committed to a quality approach aimed at guaranteeing optimal care .
We do our utmost to
Our quality approach is reflected in:
In 2015, the Arago Clinic joined the Almaviva Group and adopted its Quality Charter.
This charter expresses in clear and concrete terms the main guidelines of the continuous quality improvement approach.
In order to monitor our quality approach, the Clinique Arago has set up 9 specialised internal bodies and committees. These bodies and committees meet regularly to monitor the progress of actions and projects.
The CME brings together all the members of the medical profession and the management of the Clinique Arago.
Its main role is to ensure the professional independence of practitioners and to participate in the evaluation of care. The CME is responsible for consulting, informing and improving the quality and safety of care.
It also gives its opinion on the hospital's medical policy.
The Pain Management Committee is made up of medical and paramedical referents. The role of the CLUD is to promote and coordinate pain management through an annual programme of actions, covering :
The committee responsible for combating nosocomial infections is made up of representatives from the medical, paramedical and administrative professions, as well as user representatives.
The role of the CLIN is to organise, plan and lead the fight against nosocomial infections in close collaboration with the Hospital Hygiene Operational Team (EOHH).
Each year, the CLIN defines an annual programme, which is implemented by the EOHH. Through this programme, the CLIN recommends the implementation of actions:
COMEDIMS is a medico-pharmaceutical body whose role is to participate in the policy on medicines and sterile medical devices at the Clinique Arago.
COMEDIMS is responsible for
Since 2003, the Clinique Arago has had a User Relations Committee (Commission de Relation avec les Usagers - CRU), which became a User Committee under Decree 2016-726 of 1 June 2016. Its operation, in examining complaints and claims submitted to it, is governed by Articles R.1112-91 to 94 of the Public Health Code.
Its remit:
Its role in the establishment :
Rights and obligations:
The list of CDU members is displayed in the clinic and in the welcome booklet.
You can contact the CDU by post at the following address:
Mr Chairman of the CDU
Arago Clinic
187A rue Raymond Losserand
75014 PARIS
Or contact the user representatives by e-mail at the following address:
They are available on request from the Management Department, together with all articles R112-91 to 111-94.
The purpose of the COMBLOC is to draw up and approve the operating theatre's bylaws and charter in accordance with the regulations in force and the rules of good practice. Its main task is to ensure that the rules governing the organisation of operating theatre activities are properly applied.
The main role of the Transfusion Safety and Haemovigilance Committee is to contribute, through its studies and proposals, to improving the safety of patients receiving transfusions at the Clinique Arago.
In particular, the HTC is responsible for:
The SSTC is also consulted on any issue relating to transfusion safety and information transmission circuits, with a view to improving the effectiveness of haemovigilance.
Your participation in the satisfaction questionnaire helps to define our quality policy and improve the services we provide to patients. It is given to you when you enter the clinic. Don't forget to hand it in when you leave or send it back to us by post.
Our health establishment is actively involved in the national initiative to measure the satisfaction of hospitalised patients launched by the Ministry of Health, as part of a telephone survey called E-SATIS.
Measuring your satisfaction enables us to find out what you think about the conditions in which you are received, your stay and the care you receive. Your answers, combined with those of other patients who have visited the hospital, will help us to improve.
This survey requires your email address so that the department can send you the questionnaire.
We would be grateful if you could complete it with the medical secretaries during your consultations.
As part of its ongoing commitment to quality improvement, the Clinique Arago has been the subject of a number of independent surveys and assessments led by the French National Authority for Health (HAS) on various aspects of the quality and safety of patient care.
The results of these assessments are translated into national indicators.
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Tél : 01 44 08 04 00
187 Rue Raymond Losserand,
75014 Paris